Adult Unlimited
/mo. unlimited, all-access

  1. Unlimited access to all adult classes. Take any class you want and as many as you want (or can!).

  2. Discounts to workshops. We plan on regularly hosting workshops across many areas of strength, movement, and martial arts. A membership gets you a generous discount.

  3. No price increases. You will get to lock in your membership price in perpetuity.

  4. Cancel any time, come back any time, no long-term commitment. No questions asked. Seriously.

Muay Thai Only
mo. unlimited muay thai classes (Muay Thai, Boxing)

Unlimited access to adult muay thai classes. Take any Muay Thai, or Boxing classes you want and as many as you want (or can!).

  1. Discounts to workshops. We plan on regularly hosting workshops across many areas of strength, movement, and martial arts. A membership gets you a generous discount.

  2. No price increases. You will get to lock in your membership price in perpetuity.

  3. Cancel any time, come back any time, no long-term commitment. No questions asked. Seriously.

Kids’ Unlimited

Unlimited access to all kids’ classes. This membership includes any and all kids’ classes taught at Queens Training Club. Note that there is a uniform requirement for kids’ jiu jitsu classes.

  1. No price increases. You will get to lock in your membership price in perpetuity.

  2. Cancel any time, come back any time, no long-term commitment. No questions asked. Seriously.