Where can I find the members’ mobile app to reserve a spot for classes?

Our backend and members’ app is powered by PushPress. You can find the apps in their respective app marketplaces:

  1. Apple / iOS

  2. Android

How do I wrap my hands for Muay Thai or Boxing?
There are many different ways to wrap your hands but below is the method coach Zach prefers.


 Member Rules

  • Try your best to take care of yourself and all of your training partners. Make sure you communicate often and as clearly as possible to set your partners’ expectations.

    Setting the level of intensity in the middle of an exercise or activity is NOT A GOOD IDEA. Make sure you communicate before.

    In our martial arts classes, if you find that a training partner is too intense for your taste - give them the benefit of the doubt and ask them to tone it down. If they continue to do so, you are welcome to switch partners.

  • This applies to both other members and staff. We are committed to building an inclusive, and welcoming environment and we ask everyone to treat each other with respect. It doesn’t cost anything to be kind to others.

  • Our team will clean and sanitize the space and equipment every day, but we ask that you also clean up after yourself to help us minimize some of the work. If you need help cleaning something up or you need supplies, please ask and we’re happy to lend a hand.

  • Please try your best to use our kiosks or the member app to check in to classes you attend. This will help the team learn more about our members and help us improve scheduling in the future.

    Checking in is also important if you need to provide proof of attendance for insurance reimbursement as you can quickly pull your records using the member app.

  • Please come to class clean and trimmed. This is especially important for activities that may require contact with other training partners.

  • We get it - missing out on training can feel terrible. But please, if you’re sick or suspect that you’re sick in any way - please stay home and recover! Coming to the gym sick and getting your training partners sick means you’re depriving them of something they enjoy doing. Learning how to recover and treat your body properly while injured or sick is an important part of being an athlete!

    These are unprecedented times and it’s more important than ever for people to not get others around them sick.


 Membership Policies

  • We provide members with a FREE 1-month freeze each calendar year. Additional freezes are $20/mo if you’d like to keep your current membership rate. If you don’t care about the rate, it is perfectly reasonable to just cancel and rejoin at a later date!

    When you freeze your membership, you keep the days remaining in your cycle until the day you come back. For example, if you had 12 days left in your cycle before your next billing date and you freeze (for however long), then the day you come back, you would still have 12 days left until you get billed again.

    All requests for membership freezes must be in written form, sent to: info@queenstrainingclub.com. Please give us as much notice as you can for any freeze requests.

  • You must provide at least 7 days’ written notice for all membership cancellation requests. Please send to: info@queenstrainingclub.com

  • We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged equipment within our premises. For your convenience, there will be a lost and found box by the front desk, which will be emptied on a weekly basis. We encourage all members to write their names or initials on their equipment to help track things down if misplaced.